The Gig Economy is growing enormously worldwide as a source a residual income for millions of people. What is the Gig Economy and how can you learn to make money and save money online in the gig economy?

What is the gig economy?

The gig economy is an employment market, actually a labour market, that is defined by the high ratio of freelance work or short-term contracts in contrast to permanent and traditional jobs. The whole idea of the gig economy is for one to earn more money or extra money online with part time jobs and/or online freelance work.

I personally started to make money online from home as side hustle next to my dayjob with eBooks on-demand in 2001 on Digital Marketing, Working At Home, Making Money Online & Online Freelancing for online freelancers worldwide and women and men staying at home.

More: What is a gig & What is a side gig? & What is an online gig?

The online platform economy with companies like Uber and Airbnb plays an important role in the online gig economy but for people making money at home and online freelancers, online platforms like Fiverr and Upwork are as important.And even more after I quit my corporate job in 2011.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial crisis after the beginning of the war in Ukraine in the beginning of 2021 and The Great layoff, I had to drastically review my revenue streams and costs again. See my complete LinkedIn-profile here.


Do you want to learn how you can successfully earn money and save money in the gig economy and especially the online gig economy 1) next to you dayjob and/or 2) as online freelancer, digital nomad and/or working from home with online gigs? Send me this email or call me at 06-34387806 for a free online discussion.

Kind regards, Tony de Bree

ps Let’s connect on  LinkedIn  and follow me on  Instagram.

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