Tricksters: The Uncomfortable Truth
Tricksters: The Uncomfortable Truth about helpful tricksters and harmful tricksters.
Tricksters: The Uncomfortable Truth about helpful tricksters and harmful tricksters.
Why I Put My Dinosaur Management Books In The Thredder And Why You Should Do The Same
What are false experts and how to avoid wasting precious time and money with them?
Trusting people with false authority is a big issue. What false authority is explained in this blog.
Who Moved My Cheese? Revisited: Adapting in a Fast Changing Business Environment by Tony de Bree
Who Moved my Cheese? Your Personal Survival Guide in the Age of AI by Tony de Bree
Companies of one are more and more popular online to start, grow & scale an online business. What is a company of one?
In times of crises, unlearning is vital for the future of work. What unlearning is is explained in this blog.
This is how to define a plan-b in case you lose your job tomorrow because of AI.