Desiging and implementing the virtual organization using new technology is the best way for organizations to stay leaen & mean and to grow and scale their online business with low organizational costs. What is the virtual organization.
In our current time of the Internet, fast bandwidth and smartphones, that is actually no longer the case. Why? You can start, grow and scale your company using ICT with the virtual organzation as organisational design. By implementing a virtual organisation including hybrid working, working at home and remote management for instance.

What is the virtual organization?
The virtual organization is an organization using an organisational form, an organizational design, characterized by the absence of a shared physical space with managers, employees and stakeholders of organization. All the members of the virtual organization including people in the business-ecosystem work together through telecommunication.
Particularly as a result of the rise of the internet and increasing bandwith, the feasibility of starting, growing & scaling a virtual organization increased sharply.
More: What Is the online shakeout?, What Is The Online Platform Economy? & What Are Organizational Costs?
That is why learning how to design and implement a virtual organization fast and in an integrated way, has become a critical skill for many different managers, consultants and organizational designers and advisors to survive these crisis or to start, grow and scale online using ICT.
Designing virtual organizations.
If you want to know more about the new modular online course ‘Designing virtual organizations’, then please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to make an appointment for an online intake interview.