One of the great myths from the Industrial Revolution is that any organisation has to grow into a bulky large bureaucratic organisation with many managementlayers if you attract more customers.
In our current time of the Internet, fast bandwidth and smartphones, that is actually no longer the case. Why? You can start, grow and scale your startup using ICT with the virtual startup as organisational design. By implementing a virtual organisation including hybrid working, working at home and remote management for instance.

A virtual startup is a startup using an organisational form characterized by the absence of a shared physical space with founders and other members of the startup. The startup members work together through telecommunication.
Particularly as a result of the rise of the internet and increasing bandwith, the feasibility of starting, growing & scaling a virtual startup and other types of virtual organisations increased sharply.
More: What Is the online shakeout?, What is the Startup Model Canvas? & What Is The Online Platform Economy?
Want to learn how you can start, grow and scale a virtual startup using ICT?
If you want to know more about how you can start, grow and scale a virtual startup with the Startup Model Canvas© using ICT. Including hybrid working, working at home and remote working for instance, please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to make an appointment for an online intake interview.