Harmful Trickery- The Case of False Organizational Cultural Change Experts
The Problem
Linkedin is an important online platform of professional networking for people looking for a new job and for companies wanting to hire people. And for management consulting companies, university professors, professors at business schools and large ICT-providers.
Unfortunately it has also led to a growing influx of individuals and companies that exploit the online platform for personal gain. Spreading misinformation and false expertise. Including people using harmful trickery regarding successful organizational cultural change.
One particularly concerning group in times of crises are people presenting themselves as “organizational cultural change experts” sharing harmful or misleading knowledge and advice on how the change a toxic organizational culture in a toxic work environment.
Common Tactics Employed by Harmful Organizational Cultural Change Experts
- Oversimplified Solutions: These fasle experts often present complex organizational challenges with simplistic solutions, such as quick-fix workshops, one-size-fits-all strategies including bestselling dinosaur management books. This leads to ineffective or even detrimental changes.
- Misrepresentation of Credentials: Some individuals may exaggerate their qualifications or practical experience in the field of organizational cultural change, creating a false sense of authority: false authority.
- Promotion of Harmful or Outdated Practices: They might advocate for outdated or even harmful practices, such forced virtal team-building and virtual tribe-building exercises.
- Promotion of Outdated Strategy Models: They promote the use of outdated and thus harmful strategy models like the ones by Michael Porter, The Portfolio Model by BCG and the Old Treacy & Wiersema model.
- Promotion of Outdated Reference Models: They promote the use of The Lean Startup, The Business Model Canvas and other organizational black-box models.
- Exploitation of Current Trends: These false experts often capitalize on popular buzzwords and trends, such as “Artificial Intelligence’, “diversity and inclusion” or “employee engagement,” to attract clients.
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Consequences of Harmful Organinizational Cultural Change Advice
- Wasted Time, Energy & Money: Individuals and organizations that follow misleading advice including regarding organizational cultural change waste precious time, energy and money to survive the online shakeout and the great AI-layoff:

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- Lower People Morale: Harmful practices can erode your personal morale and everyone in your company. Leading to increased turnover and decreased productivity.

- Reputational Harm: If you as an individual or a decision-maker in large organizations associate yourself with harmful organizational cultural change change experts & their practices, it can damage your personal reputation and the one of your organization.
How to Identify and Avoid Harmful Organizational Cultural Change Experts
- Verify Relevant Credentials: Check the expert’s LinkedIn profile & website for relevant qualifications and above all, relevant practical experience.
- Look for Practical Case Studies: Look for specific examples of their actual work and the measurable outcomes achieved in times of crises like this one.
- Seek Relevant Peer Reviews: Look for recommendations from relevant professionals and above all practitioners in the field and in the same environment.
- Be Wary of Overly Simplistic Solutions: Changing the culture in large bureaucratic organizations is a difficult thing to do.
- Trust Your Instincts: If a person feels off, he or she probably is……
While LinkedIn can still be a valuable online platform for relevant professional networking, it’s essential to avoid harmful trickery and toxic relationships on LinkedIn. Including while seeking critical advice on integrated, holistic organizational cultural change models and approaches for instance.
By understanding the tactics employed by harmful organizational cultural change experts and taking steps to avoid falling victim to their misleading advice, training and events and create a positive, sustainable and healthy culture in large bureaucratic organizations including in corporates and in governmental organizations.
Reach Out
Do you want to learn the right soft- and hard skills to survive the great AI-layoff and thrive in the AI-powered economy? Avoiding sacred cows in management, digital red oceans and helpful tricksters including on LinkedIn, leveraging AI for good?
Then contact us today for a free online intake session with free work-advice and free fast learning advice. Email your mobile number and the link to the website of your company using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to make an appointment for an online intake interview.
Kind regards,
Tony de Bree