Toxic bosses often show behavior that creates a hostile, negative toxic work environment.

Here are some common behaviours:
- Micromanagement: Constantly monitoring and controlling employees’ work, even in minor details.
- Favoritism: Treating certain employees differently, often based on personal preferences or relationships.
- Gaslighting: Manipulating employees to doubt their own perceptions or abilities.
- Bullying: Using intimidation, threats, or insults to control or demoralize employees.
- Blame-shifting: Always blaming others for their own mistakes or failures.
- Lack of respect: Disregarding employees’ opinions, feelings, or boundaries.
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- Unrealistic expectations: Setting unreasonable goals or deadlines that are impossible to achieve.
- Poor communication: Avoiding open and honest communication, or using it as a weapon.
- Creating a toxic organizational culture: Fostering a negative and hostile toxic work environment where employees feel stressed, undervalued, or unsupported.
If you are experiencing these behaviors from your own boss or manager, it is important to document them and consider seeking support from a HR-professional that you can trust, a trusted supervisor or a trusted external personal coach like I did.
However if you work in a toxic workplace where this type of toxic leadership is the predominant leadershipstyle, my personal advice is: leave asap as I did in 2011…..before its too late.

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If your boss is showing this kind of behaviour and/or you are showing the first signs of a burn out? And are you thinking about Leaving The Corporate Rat Race ? Or do you want to learn the right soft- and hard skills to survive the great AI-layoff and thrive in the AI-powered economy? Or want to find meaning in your work, then contact us today for a free online intake session with free work-advice and free learning advice. Email your mobile number and the link to the website of your company using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to make an appointment for an online intake interview.
Kind regards,
Tony de Bree