Two types of virtual business schools since Covid-19
Since the start of the Internet and especially since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic two types of virtual business schools have emerged online.
- Traditional business schools have gone online with their existing offline curricula and programs. Often using virtual classes, video recordings and traditional ‘talking-head’ tutorial videos with in-house professors and teachers.
- New virtual business schools like Udemy and this virtual business school: no buildings, no professors under contract, no overhead. They are organised as a virtual organisation on an online platform.
More: ‘What Is The Law of Diminishing Firms?’, What are organisational costs?’& ‘What is a digital blue ocean strategy?’.
The virtual business school you are visiting now, is actually again a different form of a virtual business school all together. Focusing on right-skilling entrepreneurs next to your day-job or full-time. Without any managers, employees, professors and teachers under contract.
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