What Is Opportunity Based Organisational Design?
Morning, when I finished my PHD on Business Administration and Knowledge Management in 2001 on ‘Transformation of Financial Services Companies. How To Map And Measure Customer Value Created With Relationship Capital” (see the mockup above this blog), I proposed opportunity based organisational design as a way for large financial services companies including the large global corporate, the universal bank, ABN Amro, I was working in at the same time hybrid working, working at home online and other forms of ‘remote working’ and virtual organizing including as digital nomad abroad.

What is opportunity-based organisational design?
“In what is called the “opportunity based organisational design” approach, rather than viewing the company as a portfolio of business units, managers of these companies regard the organisation as a portfolio of people and of opportunities to create value”.
Based on this ‘portfolio ‘of people (not ‘resources’), small internal ‘businesses’ or teams including virtual teams with 5-50 people are organised on a temporarily basis. This opportunity-based design perspective gives companies the flexibility to bring the best people with the right soft and hard skills and the right mindset together to work on the most promising opportunities.
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The interesting thing however is, that the principle of opportunity based design is actually also applied and can be applied by people that want to start their own online business full-time or as side hustle as I first did in 2001. Or if you want to become an Ai-powered startup or an AI-powered scaleup.
How? By regarding the whole world as one one big endless online pool of people to co-create value! That is the basic idea behind all the popular forms of a virtual organization including your own AI-powered business ecosystem. You do not need to ‘own’ people, ‘own resources’ and hire them with a fixed contract. Why should you if you are not a senior manager in a large corporate or any other large bureaucratic organization including in government?

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If you want to learn how to turn your company or as a an AI-Powered management consultant an company into an AI-Powered Company© using the AI-Model Canvas© to implement a new AI-Powered Business Model , with AI-Powered Organizational Design and an AI-Powered Business Ecosystem based on ‘opportunity based designing’, contact us today for a free online intake session. Please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to schedule that call or face-to-face meeting.
Kind regards,
Tony de Bree
p.s. Let’s connect on LinkedIn and follow me on Instagram and on Twitter @tonydebree & @fintechtrends.