What Is A Virtual Solopreneur?
Morning, I started making money & saving money online as online entrepreneur and digital nomad next to my corporate dayjob (see LinkedIn) as virtual solopreneur. Sharing relevant hands-on day-to-day practical experiences with people in my own digital blue oceans regarding making money online, online freelancing, working at home (WAH) and Internet Marketing with free and low cost short on-demand ebooks in English.
What is a virtual solopreneur?
A virtual solopreneur is an individual who starts, grows and scales his or her online business or hybrid business entirely without managers, employees with a fixed contract. a physical office or physical storefront using ICT. They leverage technology including the opportunities of the democratization of AI in 2022, to run and change their business using the virtual organization as the basis of their organizational model. Co-creating customer value with customers, suppliers, strategic partners and online freelancers in their own virtual business ecosystem.
More: AI-Powered Business Model, Leaving The Corporate Rat Race & Book Tony For A Video Consultation
The advantages of being or becoming a virtual solopreneur part-time and full-time is that you always have low organizational costs and that you can pivot your AI-powered business model including your underlying organizational model fast, continuously and above all just-in-time all the time.
And that you can really help people surving the Great AI-Layoff, sharing honest and relevant practical day-to-day experiences:
Right-Skilling For The AI-Powered Economy
How To Survive The Great AI-Layoff In The New Age Of Work
And the same thing goes for founders of startups that to want to organize an AI-powered startup or owners of existing startups and existing scaleups that want to turn their company into an AI-powered scaleup.
Whatever careerswitch you are considering, finding meaning in your work is the most important thing to do:
Finding Meaning In Your Work
A Practical Guide For Managers, Employees & HR-Professionals
Bonus: MC-test & Free Checklists
And avoiding false experts and tricksters. Including auteurs of best selling management books.
Schedule a call.
If you want to learn how you can become a successful virtual solopreneur, survive the online shakeout , make money in the online gig economy with and for people in your own digital blue ocean, then contact us today for a free online intake session. Please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to schedule that call or face-to-face meeting.
Kind regards,
Tony de Bree
p.s. Let’s connect on LinkedIn and follow me on Instagram and on X @tonydebree & @fintechtrends.