Key People Blocking Cultural Change Inside Large Bureaucratic Organizations

Since I started to work with and for people in large bureaucratic organizations since 1983 at the University, it is always the same key people, the same ‘blockers’ inside large dinosaur organizations across sectors and industries blocking organizational change.

These are the key people, the internal blockers that might be blocking cultural change conciously or unconcisously and are thus co-responsible for creating and maintaining a toxic culture and a toxic work environment inside a large bureaucratic organization:

Executive Level

  • Senior Managers: often possess the power to drive change but can also be a source of resistance due to their managementstyle and/or toxic leadership style.
  • Members Of Board of Directors: Conservative members recruited from the corporate world or from other large burecaucratic organizations may be risk averse and prioritize financial stability over innovation and change.

Middle Management

  • Department Heads: Can be resistant due to fear of losing their influence, their control, their ‘resources’, or status.
  • Project Managers: May become overly focused on process and compliance, hindering fundamental change.

More: Breaking Down Bureaucracy, Online Course School & Contact Tony For A Video Consultation

Operational Level

  • Employees: Fear of job loss, skill obsolescence, or increased workload can lead to resistance including in marketing, finance and even ICT.
  • Union Representatives: May oppose changes including the implementation of AI that impact job security or working conditions since ‘the Great AI-Layoff started:
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Functional Roles

  • Corporate Business Strategists: They block change by using and advising the use of outdated organizational black-box strategy models including business strategy models like ‘Five forces’, ‘BCG-matrix’, Balance Scorecard and reference models like “The Lean Startup’ and ‘Business Model Canvas’. How and why? Read this ebook:
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  • Corporate ICT-Strategists: They often focus on ICT-driven digital transformation and change with an emphasis on digitization or automation of existing processes by standardization and designing and building the ‘required’ corporate IT architecture & infrastructure first. The result? A very expensive digital bureaucratic existing organization: a bureauspace.
  • Corporate HR-Professionals: While HR-professionals can be change agents, they can be or can become overly bureaucratic, focusing on processes rather than people.
  • Corporate Finance Professionals: May prioritize short-term financial performance over long-term investments in real customer-centric and people-centric change.
  • Corporate IT-Profesionals: Can be resistant to change following and believing people that have false authority, for fear of disruption to existing systems or lack of ‘resources’: people with the relevant skills including in AI.

In all cases the behaviour and influence of false experts and tricksters from the top to the bottom including on LinkedIn is one of the main underlying root causes for the failure of designing and building a people centric AI-powered company.

Reach Out

If you want to learn how to identify the blockers inside your own large bureaucratic organization and harmful trickery and how to use innovative frameworks like the AI-Model Canvas and other new simple non-corporate business templates, to design and implement a new aligned AI-powered organizational model as the basis for your new AI-powered businessmodel and fast, contact us here today and we wil contact you for an free intake call to identify your needs including your fast learning objectives and provide a quote for yourself or your whole company, department or virtual team:


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