What Is An Online Survival Guide?
Since the democratization of AI hit the online businesss world and started the great ai-layoff, is has become very difficult to survive in that rapidly changing online business environment if you want to survive the online shakeout that is. That is when you need practical online survival guides.
What is an online survival guide?
An online survival guide is a small and short book, ebook or audiobook, that gives you practical information and practical instructions on how to survive in a harsh, unfriendly and fast changing online business environment.
More: News, Leaving The Corporate Rat Race & Hire Tony As Virtual Facilitator
Depending on what your personal situation and your next careerstep is as manager, employee or as solopreneur of or online freelancer, you need different online survival skills and a different fast learning personal developmentplan to survive and thrive in the AI-powered economy and the new age of work:

Right-Skilling For The AI-Powered Economy
How To Survive The Great AI-Layoff In The New Age Of Work
Reach Out
If you want start, grow and scale a successful online business and survive the online shakeout including if you consider Leaving the Corporate Rat Race, contact us today for a free online intake session with free career advice and free fast learning advice. Please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to make an appointment for an online intake interview.
Kind regards,
Tony de Bree
ps Follow me on X on @tonydebree, on Instagram and on Pinterest.